Section: Dissemination

Participation to the Scientific Community

Conference organisation

  • AFIG 2011 : Membre du comité scientifique des journées AFIG, Octobre 2011, à l'ESTIA à Bidart (Jean-Christophe Gonzato)

  • 24h de l'innovation 2011 : Comité local de l'organisation, Octobre 2011, à l'ESTIA à Bidart (Patrick Reuter)

Symposium co-chair

  • IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI) 2011 (Martin Hachet)

Program committee

IPARLA is involved in the program committee of:

  • Web3D 2011 (Patrick Reuter),

  • Eurographics 2011 (Pascal Barla),

  • IEEE Virtual Reality 2011 (Martin Hachet)

  • Eurographics 2011 Short Papers (Martin Hachet),

  • Eurographics 2012 STAR (Martin Hachet),

  • IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence, Cognitive Algorithms, Mind, and Brain in the IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence 2011 (Fabien Lotte)

  • International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in NeuroImaging 2011 (Fabien Lotte)

  • International Conference on Multimodal Interaction 2011 (Fabien Lotte)

  • Neurocomp 2011 autumn school on Brain-Computer Interfaces (Fabien Lotte)

  • ACM symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering - NPAR 2011 (Pascal Barla)


The members of IPARLA have also participated to the reviewing process for conferences and journals:

  • Journals: The Visual Computer, Computer & Graphics, Computer Graphics Forum, ACM Transaction on Graphics, IEEE Transaction on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Journal of Multimedia, Journal of Multimodal User Interfaces, Int. Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Pattern Recognition, Image and Vision Computing, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Journal of Neural Engineering, Behavioral and Brain Functions, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, IEEE Intelligent Systems, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - part B, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, International journal of PsychoPhysiology, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Journal of Physiology Paris, Neurosciences Letters

  • Conferences: Eurographics 2012, Web3D 2011, ACM SIGGRAPH 2011, ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2011, International BCI Workshop 2011, ICMI 2011, IEEE SSCI 2011, PRNI 2011, IEEE SMC 2011


In 2011, the members of IPARLA have been involved in the following responsibilities:

  • ANR programme CONTINT Evaluation committee (Martin Hachet)

  • University of Bordeaux 1, CNRS, Institut d'Optique Graduate School - Coordination Committee (Xavier Granier)

  • LaBRI - Manager of MVI3D research theme (Xavier Granier)

  • LaBRI - Deputy Manager of the Image, Sound and Video team (Xavier Granier)

  • Inria - Evaluation commission (Gaël Guennebaud)

  • Inria Bordeaux - Commission for young researchers (Martin Hachet and Pascal Guitton)

  • Inria Bordeaux - Commission of technology and development (Gaël Guennebaud)

  • Inria Bordeaux - Local center committee (Pascal Guitton, Martin Hachet)

  • AFIG - Co-treasurer and executive board member (Jean-Christophe Gonzato)

  • Selection committee, PR0812, Université Bordeaux (Christophe Schlick)

  • Selection committee, PR2226, Université Strasbourg (Christophe Schlick)

  • Selection committee, MCF451, Université Rennes (Martin Hachet)

Jury of PhD thesis

  • S. Hilaire, Irisa, Rennes, January 2011 (Martin Hachet)

  • A. Martinet, LIFL, Lille, September 2011 (Martin Hachet)

  • C. de Rousier, Université Grenoble, Novembre 2011 (Christophe Schlick)

  • M. Haydar, Ibisc, Evry, December 2011 (Martin Hachet)

  • F. Larrue, Université Bordeaux Ségalen, December 2011 (Martin Hachet)

  • D. Devlaminck, Ghent, Belgium, September 2011 (Fabien Lotte)

  • B. Reuderink, Twente, the Netherlands, October 2011 (Fabien Lotte)

Jury of HDR

  • L. Barthe, Université Toulouse - IRIT, July 2011 (Christophe Schlick)

  • R. Chaine, Université Lyon - LIRIS , December 2011 (Christophe Schlick)


The expertise of some members has been required for some projects:

  • CIR (Credit Impot Recherche) (Martin Hachet, Christophe Schlick)

  • ANR (National Research Agency), "programme blanc" (Martin Hachet), "Content and Interaction" 2011 (Xavier Granier, Christophe Schlick), Starting Grant 2012 (Xavier Granier).


  • Toucheo, Siggraph EmergingTech, Vancouver, Aout 2011.

  • Toucheo, ”Numériquement votre”, Cap Sciences, Sept-Dec 2011.

  • PapARt, ”Un chercheur, une manip”, Palais de la découverte, Sept-Dec 2011

  • PapARt, ”Au doigt et à l'oeil”, Educavox, Cenon, Dec. 2011

  • Navidget, MetroNum, Bordeaux, Dec. 2011

  • BCI, Navidget, PapARt, Fete de la science, Inria Bordeaux, Oct. 2011

Popularizing presentations

  • “Les Indiana Jones de la 3D”, Uni-thé ou café, Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, France, February 2011 (Patrick Reuter)

  • “Interaction 3D avec des mondes numeriques 3D”, Journées "`Au doigt et à l'oeil", An@é-Educavox, Cenon, France, Decembre 2011 (Martin Hachet, Jérémy Laviole)

  • “Quand le cerveau prend la main”, Uni-thé ou café, Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, France, September 2011 (Fabien Lotte)

  • “Les Interfaces cerveau-ordinateur”, Dejeuner sur Web, Toulouse, France, June 2011 (Fabien Lotte)

  • “Utiliser son activité cérébrale pour contrôler un ordinateur : le point sur les interfaces cerveau-ordinateur”, Conference “Les Machines peuvent-elles imiter le cerveau humain ?”, Cité des Sciences, Paris, France, May 2011 (Fabien Lotte)

  • “Ciné-débat Minority report”, Débat sur l’évolution des interfaces tactiles, 3D et cérébrales, December 2011 (Martin Hachet, Jérémy Laviole)